Of course, most of the art found there was taken away to some museum but there were some frescos (naughty and otherwise), interesting brickwork, statues, and tile floors. Also on this page are things that wouldn't fit anywhere else, and I'm calling artifacts.
Dave was searching for an artifact.
Many corners were decorated with brickwork. The middle part was supposed to look like fishing nets.
A well on a main street made of marble with a carved head spitting the water.
Many floors in the houses had geometric tiled floors.
A bench for a weary tavern-goer. Close-up of floor.
Roman houses often had a niche in which they kept their household gods. This was one of the more elaborate ones. More brickwork. Obviously, this wall has been reconfigured more than once.
A fresco.
An animal fresco.
A Pompein dog
Another fresco.
A very red fresco.
More interesting corner brickwork.
Some floors has a patchwork stone pattern.
Another intricate black and white mosaic on a floor.
A statue in an atrium pool.
One of the victims.
Another victim.
Jars in a storage shed.
Sillouette of ruins.
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