Athens Port
The port city for Athens is Piraeus. Actually you cannot tell where one stops and the other starts unless your guide tells you. We arrived in Piraeus on the last day of the 20th century - ready to party in the new century. We didn't feel as comfortable doing Athens on our own, so we opted for the tour whose main destination was the Acropolis. It was rainy and grey most of the day and rained in the afternoon. We docked overnight in Piraeus and disembarked in the morning for our long plane trip home.
Arrival at Piraeus in early morning. Some fancy brickwork on a church.
There was some sort of show for kids going on.
Back at the ship after our tour.
Here are two shots taken while travelling across the alps on the looooong return trip.
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R7 olympia museum olympia park patra iraklion knossos site knossos museum rhodes port
rhodes town rhodes palace athens city acropolis site acropolis museum