Pt. Loma and Old San Diego
Also I visited other usual stops. Point Loma gives a wonderful view of San Diego and the Naval base activities. And there is a tidal pool that is usually wonderful. Unfortunately, the low tide was high and the park closed too soon. Old San Diego has lots of shops and restaurants and some early buildings. I visited the old adobe which somehow I missed on other trips.
This is the new Pt. Loma Light at the Coast Guard Station. Watching the Navy Seals training.
The old lighthouse on top of the point.
Hummingbirds were visiting this huge agave.
Limestone cliffs at the tidal pool
Anemones decorate themselves with pebbles and sand.
Warning at the tidal pool.
The only other critter I found was a little crab on the limestone wall.
Wall of the old adobe. Adobe bedroom.
Adobe oven.